kiara reed
ig: @kiarajeniece
twitter: @kiarajeniece
born: chicago, Illinois
“Mental wellness is very important to me and I maintain it by equally distributing my time and energy to work & adult things, time with friends and family, and “me time”. My adult responsibilities are things that I won’t be able to escape but I make sure that I don’t get too caught up in work by hanging out with friends or family. By doing this I’m able to clear my mind so that when I go back into work mode I have a clear head space and I don’t feel drained. Also “me time” is a way that I can check in with myself and make sure that I’m looking and feeling good. In this time I like to meditate, journal, do my hair, do a face mask, listen to music, etc. Doing all these things allow me to maintain balance in my life so that adult responsibilities don’t get the best of me.”