Age: 23
Born: New-York
Currently residing in: Dallas, TX
Personal IG: @jhasthlr
Twitter: @jhasthlr
*degreed shit talker discussing grey areas + loosely opinionated. started off being a natural internalizer realized it needed a space to grow old, which birthed 'Jhas Hands' a comedic transparent space sharing all of life's experiences while advocating for black lives.
I whisper to myself in the wee hours of the morning as the sun peaks over the roofs of houses.
"You are allowed to be unraveled," I exclaimed, and therefore proclaimed myself to pieces.
I crumbled.
I was waking up at 6:30 am before getting ready to enter the environment of clock in and clock out.
I was that dedicated to you, I remember when it was just you and I in the mornings.
It felt silent. but I knew If I wanted to keep my hope together, I had to keep re-visiting you.
We toiled with each other, you saw me, and I saw you.
I'm young I would say,
what is my fortune?
Wages increasing, inflation in areas I would love to be productive in like crowded ass LA or dirty ass New York,
how will I express my creativity?
We continued to toil.
Until I realized, it was you.
That is how I would express it.
Thank you, mental health.
You are which the foundation I stand on.
See you in the morning.