Unapologetically . . . Our Images, Our Narratives, Our Mental Health.

For Parents


For Parents

www.ourselvesblack.com mother and child

Raising and nurturing your child from infancy through adolescence (and everything in-between) can be immensely rewarding, but also, at times, quite challenging.  Parents are their children’s role models, guides, protectors, advocates, disciplinarians, teachers and so much more.  Here you can find links to some resources for parents within OURSELVESBLACK.COM as well as some links to other websites with lots of useful information.


Outside Links

CDC Parent Information - covers a diverse array of topics relating to your child’s mental health including dating abuse, ADHD, cyberbullying, developmental disabilities and more…

NAMI Child and Adolescent Action Center – NAMI, (National Alliance on Mental Illness) the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization, offers discussion groups, support programs, fact sheets and more…

Kids Health Emotions and Behavior Page – the most-visited site on the Web for information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years includes pages for parents, kids and teens. It provides information about helping kids navigate life transitions such as divorce, moving, and the death of a loved one - as well as information about mental illness in children.

AACAP Facts for Families – AACAP (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry), is the leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by mental behavioral and developmental disorders. The AACAP developed this site to provide concise and up-to-date information on many diverse issues such as adoption, driving and bedwetting, and information about a host of mental illnesses. Resources are also available in Spanish.